OVHcloud Private Cloud Status

Current status
  • Operational
  • Degraded performance
  • Partial Outage
  • Major Outage
  • Under maintenance
infrastructure management : Hosts ESXi
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Hosted Private Cloud
Bonjour ,
Nous allons proceder a la mise a jour des hosts present sur tous les pcc de l'offre Private Cloud.
Chaque proprietaire de pcc recevra un email lui indiquant de mettre en maintenance puis de redemarrer ces hosts un par un.

Si le redemarrage des hosts n'a pas ete realise 3 semaines apres reception de la premiere notification,une seconde notification sera envoyee indiquant qu 'il reste une semaine pour mettre a jour les hosts.
Puis une semaine plus tard, si les redemarrages n'ont toujours pas ete realises , notre robot \"evacuate \"sera lance sur les infrastructures Clients afin de mettre en maintenance les hosts et les redemarrer.
Cela n'aura pas d'impact sur vos machines virtuelles car le Vmotion sera utilise lors de la mise en maintenance des hosts.
Vous pouvez suivre l'evolution de cette maintenance sur votre Manager ( Onglets Operations )

Programmation :
Internal PCC : mardi 11 Fevrier 2020 - All zones
External PCC : mercredi 12 Fevrier 2020 - All zones

Hi ,
we are going to upgrade the hosts ESXi to the last version + build .
Each owner of pcc will receive an email which telling him to put in maintenance mode the hosts then restart them ( one by one ).

if after the first 3 weeks the hosts are still in old version , a second notification will be sent which indicating that there is only one week left.
Then , one week after if nothing has been done , an OVH robot will \"evacuate\" the hosts to put them in maintenance mode and restart them.

This operation won't have any impact on Virtuals machines. Vmotion will be used.

Schedule :
Internal PCC : Tuesday 11 Fevruary 2020 - All zones
External PCC : Wednesday 12 Fevruary 2020 - All zones


Date: 2020-04-03 18:40:00 UTC
Remaining 3 PCCs host todo
Posted Dec 24, 2019 - 20:27 UTC