OVHcloud Web Hosting Status

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  • Major Outage
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Incident Report for Web Cloud
sharedsql049 est down. Nous investiguons.


sharedsql049.sql022 is down. Investigation in progress.


Date: 2020-12-11 23:00:03 UTC
23:58 (GMT+1): The VM had been migrated. No impact. The DIMM of the empty host is being changed.

Date: 2020-12-11 22:46:42 UTC
23:30 (GMT+1): La seconde VM, sharedsql050.sql022, vient de commencer sa migration à chaud. Pas d'impact à prévoir.


23:30 (GMT+1): The other VM, sharedsql050.sql022, is starting its hot migration. No impact.

Date: 2020-12-11 22:35:05 UTC
Une seconde VM se trouve sur le même serveur physique posant problème. Elle n'est pas impactée par le problème mais doit être migrée pour que nous puissions intervenir sur le serveur physique.


Another VM is sharing the same host that has a physical issue with its DIMM. The VM is not impacted by the issue but has to be migrated so we can change the DIMM on the host.

Date: 2020-12-11 22:32:32 UTC
23:26 (GMT+1): Migration, 100%
23:28 (GMT+1): VM démarrée, les services sont démarrés et fonctionnent correctement. Aucun impact sur vos données.


23:26 (GMT+1): Migration, 100%
23:28 (GMT+1): VM started, services UP and running. Your data are safe.

Date: 2020-12-11 22:16:44 UTC
23:15 (GMT+1): Migration, 75%

Date: 2020-12-11 22:03:32 UTC
23:00 (GMT+1): Migration, 36%

Date: 2020-12-11 21:50:36 UTC
22:24 (GMT+1): La première alerte sonne
22:45 (GMT+1): Nous avons des problèmes matériels sur une DIMM qui empêchent la VM d'être rallumée. La VM va être migrée à froid (elle doit rester éteinte durant la migration).


22:24 (GMT+1): The first alert raised
22:45 (GMT+1): We have unrecoverable hardware problems on a DIMM that prevent the VM to be switched on. The VM is being cold migrated (it had to stay switched on during the process).
Posted Dec 11, 2020 - 21:42 UTC
This incident affected: Web Hosting || Datacenter GRA (Cluster002, Cluster003, Cluster006, Cluster007, Cluster011, Cluster012, Cluster013, Cluster014, Cluster015, Cluster017, Cluster020, Cluster021, Cluster023, Cluster024, Cluster025, Cluster026, Cluster027, Cluster028, Cluster029, Cluster030, Cluster031).